quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Surfin' in the sky

"It’s good when you lie down, close your eyes and float. Like there wasn’t anything holding you so you could fly, feel the wind, feel the soft clouds touching you. No noises, no worries. You just go in to a place with tons of little shiny dots in a dark immensity. And, at the same time that you feel scared, it’s just there that you want to be. All those little shiny dots that sometimes bright different colors, touching you, taking away all the bad feelings, and all the bad things you went through while you were stuck on the ground, filling you with bright and wisdom. And somehow you feel that’s right there you need to be, because you’re feeling happier than ever and the best part: you’re full, like you don’t need anything else. And suddenly you open you eyes, but it’s like you’re falling, falling from all that beautiful shiny immensity and ending up here. This place full of people, full of problems and it’s just not your home. What kind of place is this that we have to be stuck on the ground?"

Um comentário:

  1. Sim, a Mariana aceitou a idéia de postar aqui também, e eu gostei MUITO disso.

    Connect: http://fb.me/mariana.sartori
